Energy Saving Health Tips for a Happy Holiday Season

Here I have my three favorite energy saving health tips for having a happy holiday season.

1. Alcohol

Do you need alcohol to have a happy holiday season?

Easy on the booze is my first tip! But if you like to indulge in alcoholic beverages make sure to drink a lot of good quality water before / after / between. 

“The best solution for pollution is dilution!” Dr. Robert Rakowski

Every alcohol molecule binds to three water molecules when it leaves the body in the urine. This means that any kind of alcohol dehydrates your body pretty quickly. I find it very useful to have a glass of water after every whisky, cognac, glass of wine or beer. This will help with having a hangover the next day too. Hangover is dehydration in the body.

Eat Protein / Fat with your drink

If alcohol goes into the system on an empty stomach, it can irritate the gut wall and the intestinal lining. This can lead to  leaky gut syndrome, where undigested food particles get into the blood stream causing your immune system to attack its own body. Digestion slows down too.

Alcohol and Blood Sugar

Also boozing increases your blood sugar levels extremely fast. You can go easily from a high blood sugar state to a very low, crashed state. This make people often tired and sluggish, so they go for a pick-me-up caffeinated or sugary drink or food. With this you just pour oil on the fire and exhaust yourself and your adrenal glands even more. Coffee and alcohol is not a good mix for sure.

Go Organic (if possible)

If you take drinks to holiday parties or you wish to give a present to someone, make sure to buy organic products. There are tons of chemicals in alcoholic beverages due to the growing and processing of the fruits and grains they are made of (herbicides, pesticides, mycotoxins during the storing process etc.).

2. Over-Eating

Quality – Quantity matters

Wow! This is very common at this time of the year. It’s not just a common problem because people eat a lot, but because they eat a lot of junk like processed foods, additives, preservatives.


You should look at the quality of the food. If you know that the place you go, or the family member you visit, takes not good care of this topic you can do the following things:

  • Bring a healthy dish with you
  • Eat good food before you go to the place and just eat a tiny bit during your stay to enjoy the party


Many of us have the urge to keep eating and keep drinking things when we are around people (grandparents are particularly good at asking a million times and offering food and drinks πŸ˜‚). That is hard to resist if you don’t have a natural awareness and connection with yourself. You can say NO at any time, but don’t forget to Smile😊  Eat until you are not hungry anymore (satiated), and not until you are really full. 

Sugar / Sweets

Be aware, there’s literally piles of sugar in everywhere this time of the year. It is highly addictive stuff and a very powerful acid. Whenever you eat sugar, your body has to compensate and elevate your breathing rate to keep your blood pH in normal values. It activates your Sympathetic Nervous System, which will increase your stress hormone levels and it will not let you relax and enjoy the party or family gatherings. That can really ruin the holiday fun!

3. Sleep

Increase energy – sleep more

People get so excited and use so many stimulants that it jacks up their sleep. The best things you can do is sleep in, especially if you party at night. Hibernate like a bear a bit, it’s winter, take your time to recover. 

Take a nap

Of course if you have small kids, it is not possible to sleep too much, take naps during the day. Just 20 minutes, while your children are sleeping can do miracles. Set an alarm so that you don’t oversleep. That can cause serious sleepiness and overtaking stimulants and sugary foods.

These are my favorite ways to save my energy while I can enjoy a happy holiday season.

What are yours?

Have a healthy, happy holiday season!πŸ™

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